
November 1, 2012

Montmartre & St. Lucia

I am currently lounging in bed with a cup of hot mint tea on my side table, because it's a holiday here in France! La Toussaint.

So what better to do with a day when everything is closed, than get cozy, surf the interwebs, edit photos, and find new music?

Here are some shots from my Monday amble through Montmartre, and a music video from artist St. Lucia. Love this song, and the videography. I normally favor folksy indie music, but lately I've been getting into more electro-indie-type music.


Let me know if you like this song, and which photo you like most. I still have a society6 shop open, and I could use some feedback. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, let's see, the 5th image is cute! I love all the window gardens :)

    I like the song, it's got a cool 80's vibe!


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